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Beautify your smile

With dental veneers near Pakenham

A perfect smile is more elusive than one might think. Discoloured, misshapen, improperly spaced, chipped and cracked teeth come in the way of what would otherwise be a beautiful smile. Cosmetic dentistry provides a wonderful option to correct these visual imperfections of your smile, in the form of dental veneers.

Dental veneers explained.

Dental veneers can be like super thin tooth-shaped shells, which are made to look just like natural teeth in terms of shape, size and colour. These are usually made of porcelain or other strong composite material, and are bonded to the surface of the teeth to restore form, and improve the overall appearance of the smile.

The main purpose of veneers is to hide apparent imperfections to give the looks of an even, well balanced smile. But veneers are also used to protect teeth that have minor chipping or cracks, and sometimes, they are also used in conjunction with other dental treatments like dental implants, crowns and teeth whitening. They are usually a part of most smile makeover treatments as well.

What makes dental veneers really popular is the fact that they do not require any complex surgical or invasive procedure, and yet can give results that last for years.

What are the issues that can be corrected with dental veneers near Pakenham?

Dental veneers can be used for a wide variety of issues to certain extent, such as:

  • Extremely stained teeth that do not improve with standard teeth whitening
  • Crooked or misaligned teeth
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Large gaps between teeth
  • Odd shaped teeth

What can you expect during your consultation and treatment?

To design a custom smile as per your facial structure and as with all cosmetic dentistry treatments, we do not look at the teeth in isolation, but look at how well we can balance them with the surrounding teeth to achieve a natural beautiful look. This involves a detailed look at the angle of the teeth in relation to your gums, lip position, colour, shape and size of the surrounding teeth.

The procedure for getting dental veneers will depend on the type of veneers selected. Porcelain veneers are more durable, beautiful and smooth than resin but it may take a couple of sessions. However, in some cases, the teeth might not even need to be shaved before the veneers are placed! If you are going ahead with composite veneers, you could leave our nearby Pakenham clinic with a new smile in just one session! Although they have long life they do wear and tear a little quicker than porcelain.

If you are looking to enjoy a better smile, dental veneers could be a great choice. We pride ourselves with highly experienced specialised clinicians that will help you achieve your best smile.

Can I still do a veneer if my tooth is badly broken / damaged?

At Inline Smiles, we may recommend full tooth coverage (crown) for your tooth if it is significantly worn, heavily filled, or damaged. We often see prior root canal treated teeth change shape or colour and might end up showing darker than the other teeth. This could also be a good indication for a crown. We also cater to patients who are looking for dental crowns for cosmetic purposes. During your consultation for this procedure, our experienced clinicians will determine if you are a suitable candidate for this type of replacement and discuss the ideal material options available to you, along with involved costs to help you make an informed decision.

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